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Why Cyber Vaults are Essential to a Bulletproof Cyber Resilience Strategy

With the help of UserEvidence, we recently surveyed more than 100 Zerto users to learn why they purchased their Zerto solution, what’s their approach to cyber resilience, and what they are looking for in a cyber vault. Here are some of our key findings. […]

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Preparing Azure for a Zerto Cloud Appliance Installation – Part 3: Network Security Groups

Preparing Azure for a Zerto Cloud Appliance Installation – Part 3: Network Security Groups

January 10, 2018
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

In the previous post in this series, we created Resource Groups and Networks and Subnets. In this post we continue to create what we need in the Azure environment for our Zerto Cloud Appliance installation. Network Security Groups Using similar steps as the creation of Resource Group and Networks,   from the main menu, go to Network Security […]
Make IT Resilience – and Zerto – Your New Year’s Resolution

Make IT Resilience – and Zerto – Your New Year’s Resolution

January 3, 2018
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

Happy New Year!  Balls dropping, champagne, saying goodbye to the old and ringing in the new.   It is also that time of year for the hopeful/dreaded New Year’s resolution.  There is no doubt that having true assurance and confidence in the resilience of their IT infrastructure is at the top of any forward-thinking and vigilant […]
Preparing Azure for a Zerto Cloud Appliance Installation – Part 2: Networks and Subnets

Preparing Azure for a Zerto Cloud Appliance Installation – Part 2: Networks and Subnets

December 29, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is the second post in the "Preparing Azure for a Zerto Cloud Appliance" series.  In the first post in this series, we created a Resource Group.  In this post, we’ll add a network and some subnets. Networks and Subnets Back at the main menu on the left, go to Virtual networks. You will be creating a Virtual […]
GDPR is Coming… Are You Ready?

GDPR is Coming… Are You Ready?

December 20, 2017

What is the GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new law that is intended to strengthen and harmonise the data protection rights of individuals within the European Union (EU), but it also addresses the export of any personal data to countries outside the EU. The GDPR is much broader and stricter than […]
Preparing Azure for a Zerto Cloud Appliance Installation – Part 1: Resource Groups

Preparing Azure for a Zerto Cloud Appliance Installation – Part 1: Resource Groups

December 19, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

In this series of blog posts, we will create the elements needed to get the Zerto Cloud Appliance (ZCA) installed and ready to connect to an on-premises site. The four components Zerto needs in order for you to use Azure are: Resource Groups Networks Firewalls Storage You can see how Zerto consumes the Azure components in this quick […]
Unlock The Power of Zerto Analytics In Less Than Two Minutes

Unlock The Power of Zerto Analytics In Less Than Two Minutes

December 12, 2017

At Zerto we make IT resilience easy. In keeping with that tradition, new Zerto Analytics is the simple way to get visibility and knowledge across your entire Zerto-managed infrastructure. Whether you rely on Zerto to protect on-premises, in the public cloud, or in a hybrid private and public cloud, you get the information and guidance you need. Zerto Analytics was released earlier this year with a topology view and status to ensure […]
Zerto: IT Resilience From Las Vegas to Madrid

Zerto: IT Resilience From Las Vegas to Madrid

December 5, 2017

Zerto was global this past week, with teams headed to both AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas and HPE Discover in Madrid. Reporting back from their respective events, Carley Oberdoerster and Harry Smith share a wrap-up of what they saw, heard, and did over the course of the week. Read more below! HPE Madrid: Envisioning A […]
The Bald Truth: Your Datacenter – DIY or MSP/CSP

The Bald Truth: Your Datacenter – DIY or MSP/CSP

December 4, 2017

Cloud is not necessarily an all or nothing proposition.  Every company, on some level, is on a journey to the cloud.  Some who go cloud native from day one have reached the finish line, but most find themselves dipping a toe and taking a phased in approach to an OPEX model.  Where have we seen […]
5 Steps to Include in Your Holiday IT Resilience Plan

5 Steps to Include in Your Holiday IT Resilience Plan

November 20, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

Happy Holidays and welcome to the season of giving! The official start of the holiday buying season is upon us as retailers start and sustain their frenzied rush to get their products out the door and into the hands of the consumer. In the past, this is where many online and brick and mortar retailers […]
The Bald Truth: Digital Transformation

The Bald Truth: Digital Transformation

November 15, 2017

Digital Transformation and the changes your organization encounters today have surfaced through multiple areas, including people (your customers), technology, and ecosystems. Your organization is going through some challenges to meet these demands and keep up with the ever-changing competitive landscape. It’s time to gain a better understanding of these changes and what they mean to […]
High Profile Government Outage Raises Complex Questions For All of Us

High Profile Government Outage Raises Complex Questions For All of Us

November 8, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 5 minutes

Following a series of very high-profile downtime incidents at the Australian Tax Office (ATO) the Australian Senate has requested the ATO provides a full list of every outage over the last 18 months. The ATO rightfully pointed out that a request on outages is not as straight forward as it sounds, stating "It’s important to […]
Customer Comparison: Zerto’s Virtual Replication & VMware SRM

Customer Comparison: Zerto’s Virtual Replication & VMware SRM

November 3, 2017

Great and extremely detailed product comparison on Zerto and SRM by existing Zerto customer, Gene Torres. Gene takes you through everything you need to know about these 2 products in his search for the right BCDR platform that meets his requirements and fits his use cases. Going from implementation to protection, discussing the following topics […]

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