Blog: Trends, Technologies, News, and Events - Zerto

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How to Recover from a Cyber Attack

he rapid evolution of technology has brought with it an increasing threat landscape, where cyberattacks have become both more sophisticated and more frequent. Organizations across the globe are facing the daunting challenge of protecting their digital assets from these cyberthreats. However, despite the best preventive measures, cyberattacks can still occur, making knowing how to effectively […]

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Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 Makes Way for Enterprise Resilience

Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 Makes Way for Enterprise Resilience

August 22, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 5 minutes

Hello World!  It brings everyone at Zerto great pleasure to announce that Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 has been officially launched and is generally available (GA) to the public today! Building on our 5.0 release, Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 is the next step in Zerto’s vision for IT Resilience. Our’s is a vision where customers are not shackled to legacy solutions, traditional hardware platforms, or the "status quo"; but where those customers are empowered to drive […]
Why Should You Care about Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5?

Why Should You Care about Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5?

August 22, 2017

We’re proud to announce the latest version of Zerto's Virtual Replication which has been officially released today. For those that have been following Zerto over the years, you may know that our software provides the simplest and most robust replication solution for virtualized environments.  As we’ve grown, we’ve shown a commitment to helping companies get […]
Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5: To the Cloud and Back Again…

Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5: To the Cloud and Back Again…

August 8, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

With the eagerly anticipated release of Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 on August 22nd, it’s time to get all fired up! Why? The fantastic new features in this release are going to make true hybrid cloud resilience possible. It’s the era of the cloud. If you weren’t already convinced that cloud-based infrastructures are the way of […]
ZertoCON Local: Cloud, Resilience and More!

ZertoCON Local: Cloud, Resilience and More!

July 21, 2017

ZertoCON Local 2017 has officially begun and our regional teams are off and running, putting together unique and impactful content, just for you. Our goal is to organize an amazing 1-day meeting for you and the rest of our 3,000+ attendees. With over 70 events worldwide, ZertoCON Local brings together regional teams, trainers, partners, customers […]
Simplifying Cloud Migration with US Signal and Zerto

Simplifying Cloud Migration with US Signal and Zerto

July 20, 2017

The benefits of cloud migration have been proven time and time again, including the switch from CapEx to OpEx, reduced manpower requirements, the ability to scale resources on demand, greater security, better performance, and more. So, why are many organizations still hesitant to make the move? Some may be in a situation comparable to the […]
Achieve IT Resilience – What Can Zerto Do For You?

Achieve IT Resilience – What Can Zerto Do For You?

July 14, 2017

What can Zerto do for you? When you take a look at the graphic that's been embedded into each blog post in this series, you'll notice that "Achieve IT Resilience" is one of these ten categories we talk about helping you achieve with a single solution. In reality, the other nine topics included (data center […]
Compliance – What Can Zerto Do for You?

Compliance – What Can Zerto Do for You?

June 30, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

Living in the Digital Age means that companies are expected to deliver their services and products to customers, employees, and prospects 24/7/365.  We rely on information technology to satisfy the omnipresent needs of the people, but the ubiquity of these technologies is a double edged sword.  The value of having immediate access to a patient’s […]
Zerto Wins Ransomware Protection Company of the Year at the 2017 Storage Awards

Zerto Wins Ransomware Protection Company of the Year at the 2017 Storage Awards

June 28, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

In a night filled with glitz and glamour at the The Grand Connaught Rooms in London earlier this month, Zerto became the proud recipients of the award for "Ransomware Protection Company of the Year" at the 14th annual 'Storries' - the 2017 Storage Awards! Pete Godden, VP of EMEA Sales, was on hand to accept […]
Zerto Wins Computerworld Hong Kong Rising Star Award

Zerto Wins Computerworld Hong Kong Rising Star Award

June 25, 2017

In the last two years Zerto has seen considerable progress in our growth across the Hong Kong market with ongoing investment into the region and expansion of our partner community. This has resulted in closing some big deals in financial services, logistics, healthcare and local government agencies among others. On June 23rd, 2017 in Hong Kong […]
Why Shift to the Cloud?

Why Shift to the Cloud?

June 23, 2017

Cloud computing is causing a paradigm shift in the information technology landscape.  Companies are moving production workloads and even entire datacenters to the cloud in order to fully realize the benefits the cloud offers.  However, two questions that I was always taught to ask myself during my university days was, "Why", and "How?" Why are […]
Future Proofing – What Can Zerto Do For You?

Future Proofing – What Can Zerto Do For You?

June 21, 2017

Introducing new technology to an IT organization often times is met with resistance. Although it plays a part, the resistance comes not from "fear of the unknown," but rather the dread of integrating a new platform, learning a new platform, operating a new platform, and maintaining yet another new platform. How can an organization embrace change when […]
Test and Dev – What Can Zerto Do for You?

Test and Dev – What Can Zerto Do for You?

June 14, 2017

One thing that I always say about Zerto is there is something in our technology for everyone.  Whether you are the CIO, a virtualization admin, or an application developer, you can find value in ZVR.  Today, I wanted to discuss the many uses cases for our product – specifically using ZVR for creating higher quality […]

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