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Why Cyber Vaults are Essential to a Bulletproof Cyber Resilience Strategy

With the help of UserEvidence, we recently surveyed more than 100 Zerto users to learn why they purchased their Zerto solution, what’s their approach to cyber resilience, and what they are looking for in a cyber vault. Here are some of our key findings. […]

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With a Little Help from Zerto, AssureStor is Back-to-Back Champs

With a Little Help from Zerto, AssureStor is Back-to-Back Champs

February 8, 2023
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

For the second year in a row, AssureStor, a long-standing Zerto GoldPartner and Aggregator partner, has won the Cloud DR and Continuity Product of the Year at the 2022 Cloud Computing Excellence Awards. Using Zerto as a core component of its platform, AssureStor has a wealth of experience protecting and recovering customers’ data across servers […]
Where Is Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service Headed this Year?

Where Is Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service Headed this Year?

January 31, 2023
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

As we forecast where the industry may lead in the year ahead, it helps to ask experts for insights about what to expect. With the proper guidance, we can better adjust our business plans. In this article, the tech experts at Zerto, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, weigh in. Caroline Seymour, Christopher Rogers and Justin […]
How to Protect Your Database with Zerto

How to Protect Your Database with Zerto

January 24, 2023
Est. Reading Time: 7 minutes

For a business, databases have become more valuable than diamonds, as they often store millions of dollars in value. However, unlike diamonds, databases are dynamic and therefore require protection from a plethora of vulnerabilities and data loss. Database contents change depending on the applications they serve, and they need to be protected alongside other application […]
Why Containers are Susceptible to Ransomware

Why Containers are Susceptible to Ransomware

January 17, 2023
Est. Reading Time: 5 minutes

No application is safe from ransomware. In 2022, IDC conducted a study to understand the evolving requirements for ransomware and disaster recovery preparation. This study uncovered a demand for data that has never been greater, and yet the vulnerability and risks to data integrity are escalating, with ransomware attacks growing in both severity and scale. […]
Keep Your Data Safe: Get Your Zerto Certification Now

Keep Your Data Safe: Get Your Zerto Certification Now

January 12, 2023
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

What would you do if all your systems went down? In a study conducted by IDC and sponsored by Zerto, 94% of organizations reported unplanned downtime. In today's business landscape, an organization's survival depends on safekeeping their data. Zerto, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, is an industry leader in helping companies protect and move their […]
CRN Names Zerto as ‘Data Protection and Management Product of the Year’ for 2022

CRN Names Zerto as ‘Data Protection and Management Product of the Year’ for 2022

December 16, 2022
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

Beating out a host of leading technology industry names, including Rubrik, Veeam and Veritas, Zerto 9.5 has been named by CRN as Data Protection and Management Product of the Year in its annual Tech Innovator Awards. As the highest-scoring overall winner, Zerto 9.5 brings its ransomware recovery capabilities to the leading cloud providers, enabling organizations […]
Zerto Virtual Manager Appliance – What You Need to Know

Zerto Virtual Manager Appliance – What You Need to Know

December 6, 2022
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

In Zerto 9.5, Zerto introduced a new Zerto Virtual Manager Appliance (ZVMA) and an alternative to creating your own Windows-based ZVM deployment on a virtual machine. This virtual appliance is designed to be easier to deploy, easier to manage/maintain, and more secure. If you are an existing Zerto customer with Windows-based ZVM deployments or just […]
The Best Gets Even Better: Zerto and DRaaS Updates

The Best Gets Even Better: Zerto and DRaaS Updates

November 29, 2022
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

Why DRaaS? Implementing a disaster recovery (DR) solution can be a complex task for an organization that is new to the process. Obtaining the expertise, finding a suitable DR site, choosing the right DR solution, formulating an effective DR strategy, and testing DR plans can be overwhelming and lead organizations to implement less-than-ideal DR plans […]
Risk Assessment, BIA, SLAs, RTOs, and RPOs: What’s the Link? MTD and MTDL

Risk Assessment, BIA, SLAs, RTOs, and RPOs: What’s the Link? MTD and MTDL

November 22, 2022
Est. Reading Time: 9 minutes

Risk assessment, business impact analysis (BIA), and service level agreement (SLAs) are indispensable to the development and implementation of business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) plans. As such, organizational leaders must thoroughly understand these terms: their similarities and differences, and how to leverage them to safeguard their business operations from threats and disruptive events. Differentiating […]
Comparing Resilience – Part Five: Resilience with Business Continuity and Business Strategy

Comparing Resilience – Part Five: Resilience with Business Continuity and Business Strategy

November 8, 2022
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the concluding part of our five part mini-series, we are going to put the pieces together. We’ll see how the three dimensions we consider foundational to building business resilience—operational resilience (part two), IT resilience (part three), and cyber resilience (part four)—relate to business continuity, a tangible part of business resilience in the immediate to […]
Scary DR Stories 2022: Stranger Disasters and Gasping Recoveries

Scary DR Stories 2022: Stranger Disasters and Gasping Recoveries

November 1, 2022
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

October may have come to an end, but the stranger disasters that organizations face are still happening every day and will continue to rise. Top Three Cyber Threats of 2022 This year, the top three shared challenges of organizations were: Ransomware and the rise of RaaS—Ransomware continues to increase yearly, with attacks happening every 11 […]
Zerto Survey Reveals the Need for Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategies

Zerto Survey Reveals the Need for Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategies

October 27, 2022
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

More than ever, companies rely on data to perform day-to-day operations. Businesses can’t function at their best without it. That’s why it’s so important to adapt internal strategies as cyberthreats and challenges evolve, and existing threats grow more dangerous. Zerto, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, conducted the 2022 Ransomware Strategy Survey to measure how companies […]

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