IT Resilience During Digital Transformation - Zerto

How To Be IT Resilient On Your Organisation’s Digital Transformation Journey

September 14, 2018
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

As more organisations embark on digital transformation projects, the risks of potential disruptions and outages increases.

According to the findings of an IDC global white paper, commissioned by Zerto, State of IT Resilience, 37% of APAC respondents reported that digital transformation was a key IT priority for them for the next 12 months but nearly half had suffered an unrecoverable data event in the last three years, with 40% experiencing a greater direct loss of revenue from tech related disruptions.

The study found that there were significant consequences for organisations that experienced technology-related disruptions in the last two years. These included:

  • Permanent customer loss as a result of the disruption which impacted 32% of APAC respondents.
  • More APAC respondents (25%) reported experiencing major damage to their reputation from tech related disruptions compared to their North American and EMEA counterparts at 18% and 19% respectively.
  • A whopping 47% of Asian respondents reported experiencing disruptive customer demands/requirements as opposed to 28% of respondents from North America and 32% from EMEA.

What we can infer from the survey results is that only with resilient operations can businesses mitigate the risk of downtime and focus on projects that drive transformation.

The importance of having an IT resilience strategy

Having an IT resilience strategy can help minimise downtime and enable organisations to recover quickly from disruptions.

A good IT resilience strategy should have three main components – multi-cloud agility, workload mobility and continuous availability.  Working simultaneously, these elements will enable organisations to tolerate disruptions and reduce downtime.

  1. Multi-cloud agility

Having a multi-cloud strategy gives organisations the ability to select the best levels of performance, response time and throughput. With multi-cloud, organisations can choose their own cloud, and equip them with the ability to move to and from, and even between clouds that have vendor lock-in.

  1. Workload mobility

The rapid adoption of public cloud has highlighted the importance of workload mobility and its benefits as it enables organisations to move application and data workloads easily while being protected. This is especially key in migrations and consolidations.

  1. Continuous availability

Today’s digital economy has highlighted the need to have an always on customer experience, hence the need for continuous availability. Customers expect a 24/7 experience and IT systems that can protect users against downtime while allowing customers to remain connected to their documents, data, and business applications is key for any organisation.

Combining these three elements with that of analytics, control, and a unified platform for new technologies will drive greater innovation and business efficiency within the organisation. By becoming completely IT resilient, organisations can approach their digital transformation journey with much more confidence and peace of mind.

Are you Resilient and Ready? Measure your organization against peers using Zerto’s IT Resilience Maturity Benchmark Tool.