• This forum has 174 topics, 347 replies, and was last updated July 2, 2024 by Michael M.
    • Scripting and APIs
    • New VPG with REST API from vCloud Director site

      Official document – Zerto Virtual Replication RESTful APIs Version 5.0 U3, states on page 12 that vpgSettings API does not support vCloud Director, preseeding, setting backup, AWS, etc POST method to “https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgs” should “Create a VPG”, but again the VM is random one and not the one in vDC vApp. Can anyone suggest if I […]

    • People: 4
      Replies: 5
    • December 7, 2017
    • Get VPGs by ZORG

      Developer using the Zerto API for the first time.   I’d really like to use the REST API to get a list of VPGs by ZORG identifier.  ZORG ZPI seems limited.  Is there a way to to this other than getting all of the VPGs and then doing the filtering myself after the fact?

    • People: 2
      Replies: 2
    • November 17, 2017
    • Export-Settings

      Hi, I’m trying to export all settings from a Zerto 5.0 U1 instalation using the export-settings cmdlet, but receive the following error: Export-Settings : System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: An error occurred while receiving the HTTP response to http://x.x.x.x:9669/ZvmService/SiteController. This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP protocol. This could also be due to […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 2
    • October 18, 2017
    • Export-Settings to local host

      I was wondering if I can have Export-Settings run against 9080 or would localhost 9080 work, or does it HAVE to be executed remotely?   For example ; Export-Settings 9080 username password > C:\Destination

    • People: 2
      Replies: 3
    • October 2, 2017
    • Post script assist to pull VMs from the VPGs.

      Hi, I am running a post-script and passing parameters %ZertoVCenterIP%  and  %ZertoVPGName%. What I want to obtain is VM list in %ZertoVPGName% and edit their VMX. I have majority of script down. I am unable to pull VM names in from %ZertoVPGName%. Is there a direct powershell command to pull VM names from the VPG? Any […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 2
    • July 13, 2017
    • API 5.0 update 3 Changes

      From ZVR 5.0 update 3 release notes users may have seen an update to ZVR API which was a security improvement, which may cause some existing scripts now not to function on ZVR 5.0 update 3. This is down to the accept headers set in the scripts. This is a quick and easy fix, first […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • June 20, 2017
    • vCommander/Zerto Integration Scripts

      Script sample to tie Embotics vCommander organizations to VPG’s in Zerto for customer self service provisioning with DR protection. Obviously these can be tweaked for alternate use cases. http://support.embotics.com/solution/articles/8000042740-embotics-vcommander-zerto-integration    

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • June 15, 2017
    • PowerShell – Getting Started

      I’ve found several posts/articles/blogs about running your first PowerShell CmdLets, etc.  However, I can’t find how you actually install those CmdLets.  If I run “add-pssnapin Zerto.PS.Commands”, PowerShell gives an error that “No snap-ins have been registered for Windows PowerShell version 4”.  I see the DLL of the same name in the Zerto installation folder, but […]

    • People: 7
      Replies: 8
    • June 14, 2017
    • 5.0 update 3 API Changes

      If any customers have been running our Zerto scripts which we provide as examples (whitepapers) on versions 5.0 update 2 and below then please have a read of the below: As per our release notes in 5.0 update 3 there was a change in the API which gives Zerto better security. I have seen numerous […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • June 12, 2017
    • Specify Resource Pools during VPG creation

      Hi all! I’m am trying to figure out how to specify a Resource Pools when creating the VPG using the script from the Automating Zerto whitepaper v2.0. All I am able to do is pick the parent cluster, but not anything underneath it. As an example, the options presented via $VISiteInfoCMD2 from the script (run after […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 2
    • May 17, 2017
    • Creating a VPG – Build 050121007

      I’m trying to create a VPG using REST API. Using Powershell the script keeps failing to commit when the script attempts to commit. Exception : System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestPSCmdlet. GetResponse(WebRequest request) at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestPSCmdlet. ProcessRecord() TargetObject : System.Net.HttpWebRequest CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebException FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Comm […]

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • May 13, 2017
    • List of VMs replicated on target side ESX hosts

      I’m searching for a way to poll the API to determine which VMs are on which ESX host in the target site.  I’ve looked through the REST API documentation, and the only way I can find to do this is via the vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/vms API.  My question is, is this an acceptable way to get this […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • May 10, 2017
    • Creating VPGs using only 1 hour JournalHistory

      I am using Powershell and the API to create lots of VPGs, and am noticing that when I create a VPG and use the setting pasted below, and set $JournalhistoryinHours = 1, it seems we keep an alert set for 24 hours that will never clear.  The Web UI states that the VPG does not […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • May 4, 2017
    • Pre/Post Script in CSP environment

      We are a CSP and have a customer that wants to run the VPG pre and post scripts to stop services.  These scripts run on the ZVM and it has no access to the customers VLAN.  We don’t want to start connections to customer VLAN as it could open up conduits for ransomeware or viruses. […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • April 13, 2017

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