- This forum has 177 topics, 358 replies, and was last updated October 22, 2024 by
Paul B.
- Scripting and APIs
List of VMs replicated on target side ESX hosts
I’m searching for a way to poll the API to determine which VMs are on which ESX host in the target site. I’ve looked through the REST API documentation, and the only way I can find to do this is via the vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/vms API. My question is, is this an acceptable way to get this […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - May 10, 2017
Creating VPGs using only 1 hour JournalHistory
I am using Powershell and the API to create lots of VPGs, and am noticing that when I create a VPG and use the setting pasted below, and set $JournalhistoryinHours = 1, it seems we keep an alert set for 24 hours that will never clear. The Web UI states that the VPG does not […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - May 4, 2017
Pre/Post Script in CSP environment
We are a CSP and have a customer that wants to run the VPG pre and post scripts to stop services. These scripts run on the ZVM and it has no access to the customers VLAN. We don’t want to start connections to customer VLAN as it could open up conduits for ransomeware or viruses. […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - April 13, 2017
Unable to run Zerto powershell cmdlets
Hi, I am trying to run zerto powershell cmdlets. I am getting thesame error while running any of the cmdlets Here are the error details Set-CheckPoint : System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: An error occurred while receiving the HTTP response to http://10.0.xxx.xxx:9669/ZvmService/SiteController. This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP protocol. This could also […]
People: 3
Replies: 2 - April 10, 2017
Veeam Quick Backup / Backup Script before Failover
Hello, Wondering if anyone has scripted something to call Veeam to perform a backup/quick backup before executing a failover or test failure.
People: 2
Replies: 1 - April 3, 2017
Getting IP and Subnet
Hi, I am writing a script to query Zerto for VM Source IP/Segment and also Target in DR after Fail Over same VM IP/Segment (since it might change). We didn’t find any way to do it with Zerto CLI. Can you help? Thanks Erez
People: 4
Replies: 5 - March 24, 2017
Start FailOverTest Powershell
I unable to start failover test through Rest API here is my code $json=” { "CheckPointIdentifier“: "144321” }” Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Body $json -Headers $zh -ContentType $TypeJSON -Method Post Error I am getting {“Message”:”failed parsing as a valid CheckPoint Identifier”}
People: 2
Replies: 3 - March 24, 2017
Zerto VPG "Execute PS script"
I am trying to execute a Powershell Script Pre or Post recovery ideally Post, but really im trying to figure out the syntax required to launch a script. In the Pre/Post Script config in the VPG there is command to runn and parramaters, i have tried multiple combinations to try to invoke a powershell script […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - March 18, 2017
Need help adding VM to an existing VPG
I am trying to add new VMs to an existing VPG using the PowerShell Rest API. We’re running vmware 6.0 and Zerto 5.0. I’m following the the Zerto Rest API Reference Guide. I can create the VPG Settings, and poll the vpgsettings/VPGSETTINGSID using a GET method and return the results. I create the JSON […]
People: 3
Replies: 4 - February 15, 2017
VPGSettings Backup Repository ID
I’m trying to work with the VPGSettings calls and am looking at the Backup part of the JSON file. How do you retrieve a Peer Sites Backup Repositories? I’m looking at retrieving the backup repository ID.
People: 1
Replies: 1 - December 20, 2016
automated VRA deployment; DRS rules
Greetings, I was directed to the “automating Zerto with powershell and REST API” document to assist with my deployment. Specifically page 68 deploying VRA’s. My ZVM’s are not setup yet so I can’t test the script. If anybody has tried this script, do you know what if anything it sets for the VRA hostname? All […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - December 6, 2016
CSV Export of all VPGs and Config
Has anybody come across a way to automate regular backup of the VPG/other config via scheduled task to a CSV? I realise there’s an XML file generated regularly however am keen to get the CSV layout which is more readable.
People: 2
Replies: 1 - December 6, 2016
VpgSettings with identifier does not exist
I’m able to retrieve vpgs and vms but when I attempt a REST request to retrieve vpgsettings using: https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier} I get the response: “Message”:”VpgSettings with identifier <vpgid> does not exist”
People: 2
Replies: 1 - December 2, 2016
Running a FailoverTest from Powershell?
I’m trying to run a FailoverTest of a VPG through the RESTful API from Powershell and hitting problems I’m creating authentication headers OK, querying a list of VPGs, looping through to find the VpgIdentifer of the required VPG OK and then returning a list of Checkpoints for the required VPG. I select the latest one to […]
People: 4
Replies: 5 - December 1, 2016
Utility for running failover scripts in a guest
Here is a simple executable that can run commands in a guest VM. It can be used to run the failover script in a guest as opposed to within the ZVM. All you need to do is open this zip somewhere on the ZVM and run the executable from the FO script providing as command line […]
People: 3
Replies: 2 - November 13, 2016
List of VMs replicated on target side ESX hosts
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