- This forum has 177 topics, 358 replies, and was last updated October 22, 2024 by
Paul B.
- Scripting and APIs
Zerto University Support
in: Support Q & A
For any issues that are training related, please contact training@zerto.com.
People: 3
Replies: 2 - March 20, 2024
Ansible Playbooks
Hello Everyone, We’ve recently been working on creating some open source examples of how to leverage Zerto with Ansible. For those who might be interested you can now find these open source examples here on GitHub: https://github.com/ZertoPublic/Ansible. We will be continuing to add more playbooks and welcome feedback you have on these.
People: 1
Replies: 0 - September 24, 2024
Python Automation Examples
Hello Everyone, We’ve recently been working on creating some open source examples of how to leverage Zerto with Python. For those who might be interested you can now find these open source examples here on GitHub: https://github.com/ZertoPublic/Python-Automation-Examples. We will be continuing to add more examples and welcome feedback you have on these.
People: 1
Replies: 0 - September 11, 2024
Connect to Vcenter with powershell script from ZVM
Hello, I would like some help regarding an issue I’m encountering when attempting to connect from a ZVM to a VCenter via a PowerShell script. For context, I’m performing a failover using the prescript and postscript options provided by Zerto. I use these options to execute PowerShell scripts. Our Zerto version is Zerto version 9 […]
People: 5
Replies: 3 - October 22, 2024
v1 REST API via Postman
I am trying to authenticate with the v1 API using Postman. Eventually I would like to use the API to export a list of protected VM’s. All of the example documentation on the v1 API is for powershell which I do not plan to use. Can anyone provide links or examples of an authentication request […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - October 17, 2024
Powershell scripts after Linux ZVM upgrade
We recently upgraded from the windows based ZVM over to version 10.0 Update 2 which is linux based. The upgrade itself went relatively well but we cant seem to get our post-recovery scripts to work. These scripts were intended to simply update DNS records on our Windows based DNS servers. Knowing these scripts must be […]
People: 4
Replies: 5 - October 15, 2024
Retroactive Checkpoint Addition
I can use a timestamp to find the checkpoint that I want to use for failover live/test. While I have the checkpoint ID, I would like to be able to retroactively assign a checkpoint name. Is this possible? It seems to me that I should be able to update a field in a record that […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - October 8, 2024
Set VPG SLA Test Alerts to ‘NONE’
I would like to set the VPG Test Alerts to ‘NONE’ within the Replication/SLA section of the VPG config. The current setting is 6 months for an alert to be triggered. This is a simple straight forward change via the GUI. Does anyone have a sample script solution for doing this as a batch rather […]
People: 1
Replies: 1 - September 20, 2024
Secure Credentials for API
I am newer to this sort of work. At the moment, we’re manually doing failover tests and gathering info for reports. I’d like to automate this. Following along zerto’s documentation to establish a session from this article, I want to be able to use a securestring generated like: $credentials = get-credential $credentials.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | […]
People: 3
Replies: 4 - August 30, 2024
Linux pwsh post-recovery script.
I can see that the powershell script will run successfully in the Kubernetes container named scripts-service-someidhere. under windows I would add certificates to the trusted root certification Authority and my powershell script would pick. up the cert without issue. Does anyone know how or where we are supposed to place certs to use for authentication […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - July 2, 2024
Retrieving ‘Protected Network’ for a NIC in a VPG
I have spent some time on this and cannot seem to see anyone in the swagger API where it retrieves the ‘protected network’ property that shows what network settings of the VMs Nics are at present. NOT ITS FAILOVER OR TEST NETWORK. The reason I want to query this is because I want to iterate […]
People: 2
Replies: 3 - May 5, 2024
Read-only access to API?
Hi, For monitoring purposes, I’d like to access the API of Zerto with read-only privileges. Is this possible? And if yes, can I have a detailed procedure for doing it? We’re running the ZVMA (Linux) 10.0_U3 and I already have a Python script (inspired by this script) working but the “client” in KeyCloak has admin […]
People: 1
Replies: 0 - April 25, 2024
Connect to Linux ZVM from PowerShell
Hi, can anyone tell me how to connect to a Linux (10U3) ZVM from PowerShell 7, please? We’ve recently migrated ZVMs to Linux and are having issues. I’ve read the blog about the REST API but that isn’t what I’m trying to do. I want to be able to use the Zerto PowerShell Cmdlets, such […]
People: 3
Replies: 5 - March 11, 2024
Zerto Powershell and individual VMs
I have a number of vms spread across several vpgs that I’m trying to script a failover test for. The problem I’m running into is that I don’t want to target all of the vms in those vpgs, but I’m not seeing a way to run a failover test against vms specifically. Short of moving […]
People: 2
Replies: 3 - December 4, 2023
Downloading RPO pdf reports through Analytics API
Is it possible to download the vpg rpo and SLA compliance pdf reports that one can get in the Zerto Analytics portal through an API? I see that I can get all the data through the Zerto Analytics API, but I cannot see a way to download the formatted PDF reports through an API.
People: 1
Replies: 0 - November 14, 2023
API Invoke-RestMethod Max number of edited created
I have this weird error that I cannot seem to shake. I am not actually writing anything, I am simply querying each VPG for its side identifier and then adding the info to a powershell array for offline parsing. However I have this error: Invoke-RestMethod : {“Message”:”Maximum number of edited\/created vpgs 100 is exceed”} At […]
People: 2
Replies: 2 - October 10, 2023
Zerto University Support
The forum ‘Scripting and APIs’ is closed to new topics and replies.