- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated August 28, 2019 by
Fanyu Z.
Zerto and vRealize Automation
The forum ‘Support Q & A’ is closed to new topics and replies.
Is Zerto compatible with vRealize Automation / is there anyone using it with vRA?
Especially in the case of a failover/failback, will the VM be seen back in the end-user portal?
My understanding is that you would have to force VRA to re-import the vSphere VM, I would say maybe using a post-failover script? Has anyone does this kind of script?
Right, I believe you would need to use a postscript to re-discovery the vSphere VM. As Zerto interacts with vCenter directly, vRA may not know that the VM has been moved to a different site. A postscript can be used to un-register the VM in the source site vRA and re-register the VM in the target site vRA.
The forum ‘Support Q & A’ is closed to new topics and replies.