- This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated February 10, 2017 by
Kimmo P.
Post-Script for changing hostname.
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Hello Guys.
I create script for Changing hostname of failover VM.
It works on manual running.
But It doesn’t works on post-script section.
Thank you
I Don’t Know Why.
Post-Script with no params on VPG Setting
1. Change-RHEL-hostname.bat file
powershell -file C:\ZertoScripts\Set-RHEL-Hostname.ps1 >> C:\ZertoScripts\Result-RHEL-Test.txt
2. Set-RHEL-Hostname.ps1 file
# source vSphere PowerCLI Environment first
. “C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1”
# custom code follows
#Sleep 90 sec
Start-sleep -sec 90
#Connect to Vcenter Server
Connect-VIServer -Server -User administrator -Password Password -Port 443
Write-Host “Setting Hostname for RHEL-Test-DR… ”
#Change Hostname for RHEL
#For Live Failover
Invoke-VMScript -VM “RHEL-Test” -GuestUser root -GuestPassword Password -ScriptType BASH -ScriptText “hostname RHEL-Test-DR”
#For Test Failvoer
Invoke-VMScript -VM “RHEL-Test – testing recovery” -GuestUser root -GuestPassword Password -ScriptType BASH -ScriptText “hostname RHEL-Test-DR-T”
Write-Host “Hostname is changed.”
# Disconnect session vCenter
Disconnect-VIserver -Confirm:$false
This is all.
Anyone have good Idea or example script, Please Let me know.
Problem has resolved.
I just Reboot the ZVM and all goes fine. 🙂
Thank you, Guys
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