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Why Cyber Vaults are Essential to a Bulletproof Cyber Resilience Strategy

With the help of UserEvidence, we recently surveyed more than 100 Zerto users to learn why they purchased their Zerto solution, what’s their approach to cyber resilience, and what they are looking for in a cyber vault. Here are some of our key findings. […]

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Zerto for Microsoft Hyper-V Part 2: Installation Requirements

Zerto for Microsoft Hyper-V Part 2: Installation Requirements

January 7, 2016
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Joshua Stenhouse, Zerto Technical Marketing Manager         After discussing features, requirements & cross-hypervisor replication in part 1 of our discussion on Zerto from Microsoft Hyper-V, in this second blog post I will cover the installation requirements for Zerto. Just as Zerto utilizes VMware vCenter for task orchestration and automation in a […]
DR 101: Calculating the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of Storage Based Replication

DR 101: Calculating the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of Storage Based Replication

January 7, 2016
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Joshua Stenhouse, Zerto Technical Evangelist When calculating the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of traditional storage based replication, for the protection of virtualized environments, there are many considerations that are often overlooked when comparing this to hypervisor-based replication. In this post I will cover some of the main things to look out for and […]
DR 101: RPO Meaning, Applications, and Drivers (Updated in September 2024)

DR 101: RPO Meaning, Applications, and Drivers (Updated in September 2024)

January 2, 2016
Est. Reading Time: 8 minutes

Overview Data has become as important a resource as infrastructure and physical assets are to organizations. Data loss can cost an organization thousands or even millions of dollars. To minimize data loss, organizations turn to disaster recovery solutions, which focus on recovery point objectives recovering as much data as possible during a disaster. In this […]

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