The State of Disaster Recovery and Cyber Recovery, 2024-2025: Factoring in AI
IDC White Paper
Navigating the New Era: Modern Data Protection, Disaster Recovery, and Cyber Resilience
Data loss has long been a concern, but the surge in cyberattacks has heightened this risk to new extremes. Data protection strategies must prioritize maximizing data availability, which is essential for both operations and competitiveness.
IT teams are tasked with minimizing downtime and data loss, with mature organizations closely monitoring SLAs for data availability. As business demands grow, SLAs for downtime, RPO, and RTO are becoming increasingly stringent.
This IDC white paper aims to help IT leaders evaluate their organization’s standing in the industry and offers insights to enhance their strategies and operations. It also highlights key findings from a recent market survey sponsored by Zerto to assess the state of modern data protection, disaster recovery, cyber recovery, and AI.
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IDC White Paper - The State of Disaster Recovery and Cyber Recovery, 2024-2025: Factoring in AI

This IDC white paper highlights key findings from a recent market survey sponsored by Zerto to assess the state of modern data protection, disaster recovery, cyber-recovery, and AI.
The scope of the survey was worldwide, across multiple industries and included organizations from 500 to more than 10,000 employees.
Get key insights from these organizations: how many incidents they experienced, their top DR challenges, how they assess the potential of AI for data protection, and more.