• This topic has 17 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated January 31, 2019 by Mike T.

vSphere 6.7 U1 support

  • Hello,
    Does Zerto support vSphere 6.7 U1? Are the any problems?

    As i know maybe zerto 6.5 can support esxi 6.7 but zerto 6.5 not released untill now and will be release after webinar




    6.7 has been supported and that is not what the OP is asking. He is wanting the vendor to weigh in on the expected supportability of 6.7U1. I am also curious of this.

    We upgraded one VSphere host to 6.7 U1 and the VRA failed (Version 6.0 Update 3 Build 060303099)

    We are planning to validate vSphere 6.7 U1 in our test labs.  We are targeting to finish the validation in the next 90 days.

    Amy Mitchell

    Zerto Platform Product Manager

    Amy M

    Thanks for the update.
    We want to replace our Cloud-, Datacenter replication software and off course Zerto is one of the options. 90 days is a very long period, that’s a company policy?

    With regards,
    Jan de Jong
    Detron ICT

    Our goal is to validate any new platform release 90 days after it is generally available.  This is stated in our operability matrix.  Hopefully we can finish validation sooner than 90 days for vSphere 6.7 U1.

    Amy Mitchell

    Zerto Product Manager

    i have a VRA install issue with esxi 6.7, 10302608. and Zerto 6.5 and 6.0.

    stopped VRA install when 5% progress.

    We do not support vSphere 6.7 U1 yet.  We are planning an update to ZVR for 6.0 and 6.5 which will support vsphere 6.7 U1 in November.

    Amy Mitchell

    Zerto Platform Product Manager

    Hi Amy,

    Has Zerto’s support been released for VMware vCenter 6.7u1 and ESXi 6.7u1?


    Hi Enes,

    Yes, we do support vSphere 6.7 U1 on our recent releases.  Please check the interop matrix for details on the ZVR versions that support it: http://s3.amazonaws.com/zertodownload_docs/Latest/Zerto%20Virtual%20Replication%20Operability%20Matrix.pdf

    Amy Mitchell

    Zerto Product Manager



    I am trying to deploy VRA using 6.7U1 and it fails at timeout. I am using Trial license so not sure if I  can open a support ticket. I am using  Zerto Manager  6.5 . Any chance oyu can help on that?



    Not sure this is the right place but my experience with Zerto so far is some how disappointing. The product does not work right of the box. If I cannot deploy the VRA with the zerto manager, why can’t I deploy it manually? I understand I am not getting support as I am at the trial/evaluation period. However, I also have been contacted by a sales person (Philip Young ) on my initial interest of the product. The moment I mentioned I am an integrator, I have never heard back a word. Again, not a big deal but simple polite email providing some links to resources etc. would make one feel warm and fussy. It is been almost two weeks and I was hoping I can learn enough on the product to demo/POC to my customers. Does anyone have better experience with this product?



    I have been using zerto since version 3 with very little issues. Generally issues are caused when a VMware host fails or a LUN fills or goes offline whcih neither of these happens very often. Zerto is rock solid in a VMware nvironment. I currently use vsphere 6.7u1 ESXi 60, 6.5 and 6.7u1 in multiple clusters withno issues.


    Did you login the windows machine that you installed ZVM as a Admin and run the EXE as admin as well

    Do you have firewalls of VPN between your soaurce and recovery site?

    VRAs are deployed using the web UI on the setup tab. If you have created the proper connection to your vCenter it shoudl be easy. try using the root UN and Password to ESXi for ZRA install.

    If you are using Hyper-v well I’m sorry and I can’t help



    Thank you for your response, I tested the same setup on 6.5 and it works just fine. I literally installed 6.5 just to make sure I tried everything. I think it could be some compatibility issue.  I really wonder why the installation would not progress on 6.7, now when I am looking at the compatibility matrix, it does have a small “1” next to the checkmark. 6.7U1 ESXi and 6.5U1 ZVM, this could be it.



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